Tables available are the following:
All 10,000+ VizieR tables with position. For each VizieR table, we have kept the default VizieR columns plus positional errors, photometry columns and associated errors if they were not already included.
SIMBAD. A view of the SIMBAD bibliographical database with the following fields: main object name, position, errors on position, BVRJHK magnitudes, object type, proper motion, spectral type, and number of bibliographical references. This view is updated each day, so that it reflects the latest updates in the database.
user-uploaded tables. You can upload your own table in one of the following formats : VOTable, FITS table or CSV (Comma separated values) table (see section 4.2 for more details).
Large tables (larger than 10 million rows) have been modified with respect to original VizieR tables. Positional errors have been reformatted to be expressed as an ellipse with 3 parameters: major axis, minor axis and position angle.
Below is the list of available fields for each large VizieR table:
2MASS: 2MASS identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, e_Jmag, e_Hmag, e_Kmag, Qfl, Rfl, X, MeasureJD
2MASS6X: 2MASS identifier, position ra, dec and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, e_Jmag, e_Hmag, e_Kmag, Qflg, Rflg, Xflg, date, gcntr, l, b, Jsig, Hsig, Ksig, Jsnr, Hsnr, Ksnr, USNO-A2.0, Dopt, PAopt, Bmag, Rmag, Nopt, Bflg, Cflg, Aflg, Ndet, cat, rel
CMC14: CMC14 identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), r.mag, e_mag, Ep, Nt, Jmag, Hmag, Ksmag
DENIS: DENIS identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Imag, Jmag, Kmag, e_Imag, e_Jmag, e_Kmag, Image ,Strip ,Obs.JD
GLIMPSE: GLIMPSE identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), 3.6mag, 4.5mag, 5.8mag, 8.0mag, e_3.6mag, e_4.5mag, e_5.8mag, e_8.0mag
GSC 2.3: GSC23 identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Fmag, jmag, Vmag, Nmag, Umag, Bmag, e_Fmag, e_jmag, e_Vmag, e_Nmag, e_Umag, e_Bmag, Epoch, Cl
IRSF MCPS: IRSF identifier, position (RA, Dec), Jmag, Hmag, Ksmag, e_Jmag, e_Hmag, e_Ksmag, S, Qual, pflg, aflg, Jep, Jshrp, Jchi, XposJ, YposJ, Jregion, Hep, Hshrp, Hchi, XposH, YposH, Hregion, Ksep, Ksshrp, Kschi, XposKs, YposKs, Ksregion, MJD
KIC: KIC identifier, position (RA, Dec), umag, gmag, rmag, imag, zmag, Jmag ,Hmag, Kmag, kepmag, pmRA, pmDec, sg, v, aq, fc
LMCPS: position (ra, dec), Umag, Bmag, Vmag, Imag, e_Umag, e_Bmag, e_Vmag, e_Imag, flag
NOMAD: NOMAD1.0 identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Bmag, Vmag, Rmag, Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, YM, r, pmRA, pmDE, spRA, spDE
PPMX: PPMX_Jname identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Bmag, Vmag, Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, e_Bmag, e_Vmag, e_Jmag, e_Hmag, e_Kmag, pmRA, pmDE, epRA, epDE, epma, epmd, Cmag, Rmag, GoodLSQfit, SubSet
PPMXL: PPMXL_ID identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, e_Jmag, e_Hmag, e_Kmag, pmRA, pmDE, epRA, epDE, epma, epmd, b1mag, b2mag, r1mag, r2mag, imag, fl
SDSS DR7: JNAME identifier, position (ra, dec) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), JNAME, ra, dec, errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng, u, g, r, i, z, u_err, g_err, r_err, i_err, z_err, cl, objID, ObsDate . For this table, we only kept primary sources (ie with mode=1)
SDSS DR8: position (ra, dec) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), u, g, r, i, z, u_err, g_err, r_err, i_err, z_err, objID, type, clean, flags, quality and mjd_med which is the median value of mjd_X where X = u, g, r, i and z.
Tycho2: position (RA, DE) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), BTmag, VTmag, TYC1, TYC2, TYC3, pmRA, pmDE, HIP
UCAC3: 3UC identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000), radec_err, f.mag, a.mag, e_f.mag, e_a.mag, EpRA ,EpDE, ot, d, pmRA, pmDE, e_pmRA, e_pmDE, Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, Bmag, R2mag, Imag, Flag
UCAC4: UCAC4 identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000), radec_err, f.mag, a.mag, e_f.mag, e_a.mag, EpRA, EpDE, ot, d, pmRA, pmDE, e_pmRA, e_pmDE, Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, Bmag, Vmag, Gmag, Rmag
UKIDSS-DR6 GPS: JName identifier, position (ra,dec), jAperMag3, hAperMag3, k_1AperMag3, k_2AperMag3, h2AperMag3, jAperMag3Err, hAperMag3Err, k_1AperMag3Err, k_2AperMag3Err, h2AperMag3, sourceID, mode, epoch, mergedClass
UKIDSS-DR7 LAS: position (ra,dec), yAperMag3, j_1AperMag3, hAperMag3, kAperMag3, yAperMag3Err, j_1AperMag3Err, hAperMag3Err, kAperMag3Err, sourceID, epoch, priOrSec, mergedClass
UKIDSS-DR8 DXS: JName identifier, position (ra,dec), jAperMag3, kAperMag3, jAperMag3Err, kAperMag3Err, sourceID, mode, mergedClass
UKIDSS-DR8 GCS: JName identifier, position (ra,dec), jAperMag3, yAperMag3, jAperMag3, hAperMag3, k_1AperMag3, zAperMag3Err, yAperMag3Err, jAperMag3Err, hAperMag3Err, k_1AperMag3Err, sourceID, mode, epoch, mergedClass
UKIDSS-DR8 LAS: JName identifier, position (ra,dec), yAperMag3, j_1AperMag3, hAperMag3, kAperMag3, yAperMag3Err, j_1AperMag3Err, hAperMag3Err, kAperMag3Err, sourceID, mode, epoch, mergedClass
USNO-A2.0: USNO-A2.0 identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Bmag, Rmag, GoodPhot, Epoch
USNO-B1.0: USNO-B1.0 identifier, position (RAJ2000, DEJ2000) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), Bmag1, Rmag1, Bmag2, Rmag2, Imag, Epoch, pmRA, pmDE, spA, spD, Flags
WISE: JNAME identifier, positions (ra, dec) and positional errors (errHalfMaj, errHalfMin, errPosAng), W1mag, W2mag, W3mag, W4mag, Jmag, Hmag, Kmag, e_W1mag, e_W2mag, e_W3mag, e_W4mag, e_Jmag, e_Hmag, e_Kmag, cntr, cc_flags, ext_flg, var_flg, ph_qual, r_2mass
Consult the VizieR service for a detailed description of each field above.
WARNING: some data have been modified from the original catalogues:
Positions are given in FK5 J2000 (at epoch 2000 if proper motion available)
Positional errors have been standardized: they are all given in arcseconds in the form of a circle or an ellipse with semi-minor, semi-major axis and position angle
For catalogues containing proper motions such as the USNO-B1.0, although positions are given at epoch 2000, positional errors do not take into account proper motion uncertainties (will be done in a future release)
For all catalogues, and especially the USNO-B1.0, a threshold of 40 has been put on magnitudes: higher values are set to 40. (If it is annoying for you, contact us, it can easily be changed).
If those limitations are a problem for you, contact us.
SDSS DR7 : Only primary source (mode=1) and object of type GALAXY or STAR (cl = 3 or 6) are available.
SDSS DR8 : Only primary source (mode=1) are available.
Versions of Galex AIS and MIS are the catalogues available here:
For more informations on UKIDSS, see this page, and this page. For on overview of the parameters, browse this page.