1.8 Uploading a table

You can upload your own table with positions, and use it later in a cross-match job. Your table can be in VOTable, FITS table or CSV format (see section 4.2 for an example).

First, click on the Tables management tab
\includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth ]{img/tables-management-tab.jpg}.
At the bottom of the page, select on your local disk the table to upload and click on Upload to the store.
\includegraphics[width=0.65\textwidth ]{img/upload-file.jpg}.
When the upload process is done, the new table will appear in your store list.
Before using the uploaded table in a cross-match job, positional metadata must be set, clicking on \includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth ]{img/add-metadata.jpg} and selecting the relevant fields:.
\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth ]{img/set-metadata.jpg}.
You will also need to set the error metadata if you plan to use this table for cross-match jobs with positional errors.

Please note that the total size of uploaded tables is limited to 100 MB for anonymous users, and 500 MB for registered users.
If you use the storage space, you must comply to the following guidelines:
- only data related to astronomical research might be saved or uploaded to the CDS Portal storage space
- CDS does not assume any responsibility for loss of data. Please backup your important results locally !
- the user storage space must not be considered as a long-term backup facility, but as a convenient facility to facilitate the use of CDS services
- in order to preserve disk space, saved data might be removed if the associated account is inactive for more than 6 consecutive months